Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Analysis of similar videos

Dirty Funk- Steve Appleton
This video is very performace based where throughout the vide you see Steve Appleton on stage giving a performace to an audience. The use of lighting is very effective making it look more ‘funky’ which relates to the song title. It’s quite an upbeat pase of music which is why there are so many straight cuts to make the video quite fast pased and flashy to go with the song beat. When you see the audience you mostly only see females dancing and having a laugh, which shows Steve Appleton being quite loved by a female target audience as he has the ‘Popstar’ look which can be quite appealing. I like how half way through the audio cuts off to make out as though it’s a live show he’s performing and that there’s a sigh of “awww” from the audience showing how much they love him.

City Won’t Sleep Tonight- Steve Appleton
This video has more of a narrative aspect compared to ‘Dirty Funk’ but also has some performance based shots in the video aswell. When he’s performing it’s more casual as there’s some tracking shots of him just walking down th street singing which shows quite a relaxed and casual atmosphere to the video. There are also some stronger performace shots where he’s on top of the roof and you can see buildings in the background setting a more scenic view for the audience and showing the city life which links with the song title. Steve Appleton is once again having a female character flirting with him showing the narrative side of the video coming through, which show’s hes a ladies man as he gets in the car with three other girls.

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